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See below for our 2024/2025 events
The Friends of Braeside Park was one of the earliest Friends groups
which are now attached to all metropolitan and state parks.
It was formed in August 1989 a few months after the official opening
Braeside Park this year we celebrate our
The Friends Group works closely with the Parks Victoria Rangers
and is actively involved in:
tree planting
funding of tree carvings
seed collection and plant propagation
bird counting
water quality testing
For more park related information
about Braeside Park go
to the Parks Victoria
For a
copy of the park notes including a map of Braeside
Park courtesy of
Parks Victoria
Cypress Carving will be undertaken in
here to
donate to our GoFundMe Fundraiser for more tree carvings:

End of Year Xmas Breakup & Committee
Thursday December 12th @ 7pm at the Visitors Centre Final
Meeting for 2024 with Xmas Breakup and the Year in review Bring a plate to
share for End Of Year Breakup
Monthly Community Water Watch Program
Held on the 2nd Saturday of the Month starting in
thru to December
(February 8th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June
July 12th, August 9th, September 13th, October 11th, November 8th
and December 13th) Meet at Visitor's Centre @ 9:30am,
Access via Lower Dandenong Road Wear appropriate
clothing and footwear Led by Judith Sise contact her on 9551-7741
for more information and bookings
Clean Up Australia Day @ Braeside Park

here or the
logo above to register yourself on the Clean Up Australia Website
for this event
Sunday March 2nd from 10am till 12pm
at Visitor's Centre, entry from Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside Wear
appropriate clothing & footwear, bring a pair of gloves, a morning tea to finish
Some gloves and Clean Up Australia Bags
will be supplied
Monthly Night Walk Activity Program

View the nocturnal
animals of the Park
Begins on the First Friday of each month at 7pm from
thru to September on these dates, April 11th, May 2nd, June
6th, July 4th, August 1st and September
Meet at the Visitors Centre, entry is from Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside Bring your sense of adventure,
appropriate clothing & footwear and a torch We will have some
suitable infrared spot lights to lend Gold Coin Donation.
Bookings are Essential as numbers are limited via email:
braesideparkfriends@gmail.com or contact Margaret Hunter on
0417 323 460
Discovery (Autumn) Walk in Heathland

A Guided Walk through the protected Heathland
Sunday May 18th from
2pm till 4pm Enter Braeside Park
from Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside and meet at the Visitor's Centre
Wear appropriate clothing, footwear and bring a camera
World Environment Day
Tree/Shrub & Grass
Sunday June 15th from
9am till 12pm Enter Braeside Park
from Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside and follow the signs Wear
appropriate clothing, footwear and bring some gloves
National Tree Day
 Tree/Shrub & Grass
Saturday July 26th from
9am till 12pm Enter Braeside Park
from Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside and follow the signs Wear
appropriate clothing, footwear and bring some gloves

Sunday 10th of August 2pm-4pm at
Braeside Park Visitor's Centre Annual Report and election of
Committee followed by a Guest Speaker and afternoon tea.
Discovery (Spring) Walk in Heathland

A Guided Walk through the protected Heathland to see the Orchids
Sunday September 14th from
2pm till 4pm Enter Braeside Park
from Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside and meet at the Visitor's Centre
Wear appropriate clothing, footwear and bring a camera
Annual Breakfast with the Birds in

Sunday October 12th @ 7am - 9:30am
(arrive from 6:45am)
Enter the Park
from Lower Dandenong Road entrance, Braeside Meet @ the Nursery
access via Cypress Drive (turn right) Wear
appropriate clothing & footwear and bring your Camera/Binoculars
Continental Breakfast @
the Visitor's Centre to finish off the Walk This is a Free event but Donations are
always welcome Places are limited for Safety and Catering
Registration for this event is
mandatory and must be done on Park Connect.
To RSVP or get help registering on Park Connect, via email:
braesideparkfriends@gmail.com or contact Margaret Hunter on
0417 323 460
Frog Information and Identification

Come and find out about the Frogs in the Park
Saturday 4th of October in Visitors Centre
then a walk to hear the Frogs
Meet at the Visitors Centre from 7pm, entry is from Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside Bring your sense of adventure,
appropriate clothing & footwear and a torch A Phone
with the Frog Identification App would also be great Gold Coin Donation.
Bookings are Essential as numbers are limited via email:
braesideparkfriends@gmail.com or contact Margaret Hunter on
0417 323 460
End of Year Xmas Breakup & Committee
Thursday December 11th @ 7pm at the Visitors Centre Final
Meeting for 2025 with Xmas Breakup and the Year in review Bring a plate to
share for End Of Year Breakup